
which of the following is most likely to occur due to the damage of thymus in a child reduction in RBC count in blood increace of antibody mediated immunity decreased count of WBC and platelets in blood loss of cell mediated immunity

which of the following is most likely to occur due to the damage of thymus in a child
  1. reduction in RBC count in blood
  2. increace of antibody mediated immunity
  3. decreased count of WBC and platelets in blood
  4. loss of cell mediated immunity


1 Answers

Shilpi Mittal
askIITians Faculty 24 Points
9 years ago
The damage of thymaus in a child leads to
4 loss of cell mediated immunity
thymus is an organ in humans that produce T cells which identify a receptor on the surface of foreign particle and attacks it generating a cell mediated immunity and creates a capacity to resist against large number of foreign particles.

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