Flag Zoology> What is meant by intact mucosae?what is t...
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What is meant by intact mucosae?what is the role of intact mucosae?

Rabik John , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Simran Vinaik

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Secreting membrane lining all bodily passages that are open to the air,as part of the
digestive and respiratory, Urinary and reproductive tracts is called as mucosae or mucosa. It act as mechanical barrier within body to fight infections. Many bacteria and viruses can invade through intact mucosal surfaces. Natural defences of mucosae includes:
1. Mechanical washing by tears and urine
2.CIliary action of mucosal cells moving mucus and debris
3. Lyzozyme in surface fluid

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