Flag Zoology> The common Mendelian experiment cannot be...
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The common Mendelian experiment cannot be carried out on human beings justify the statement giving reason

Nikita Medhi , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Aabid Hussain

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Hi Nikita,

Thank you for asking

The reasons behind the experiment cannot be conducted on human what Mendel did with pea plants can be summarisedas below:

  1. The life cycle of human is too long in comparisonto pea plants.
  2. Experimenting with human genome is unethical.
  3. Self-crossing is unethical
  4. The test cross is unethical
  5. Closely related siblings cannot be mated and many more reasons to be explained.
Hope the answer of the question

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