The affinity of hemoglobin for O2 is1. Decreased in rapidly metabolizing tissues2. Increased at higher than normal body temperatures3. Increased at higher than normal blood 2,3-DPG levels4. Decreased at more basic than normal blood pH4) The primary stimulus or stimuli for the respiratory center is/are _________.1.2. 3.4.carbon dioxide and hydrogen ionsoxygen gas levels in the bloodoxygen gas levels in the hemoglobinconscious feeling for the need for more oxygen5) Any lung disease that reduces the forced expiratory volume (FEV), but does not significantly affect the vital capacity is categorized purely as a(n) ____________.1. restrictive lung disorder2. pulmonary fibrosis3. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease4. obstructive lung disorder6) Which of the following changes does not occur when a fetus is deliveredand begins to breathe on its own for the first time?1. the rate of blood flow throughpulmonary circulation decreases2. the foramen ovale closes3. the ductus arteriosus closes4. the resistance to blood flowthrough the lung decreases7) Lung surfactant is produced by ______________.
Sana , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Apurva Sharma
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
The correct answer for first question is option 2.
And please post one question at a time.
Hope it helps!
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