Flag Zoology> Please explain me this diagram.I`m not ab...
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Please explain me this diagram.I`m not able to understand this

Shaily , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Simran Vinaik

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Cross A is the case of linkgae which shows that gene y and w are linked/ close together. This is the reason that the parental type are 98.7% in progeny and recombinants are very very less i.e. only 1.3%. See you should be aware of the fact that if the two genes are very close together then the chances of them to cross over are very less that is why the parental type are more in progeny than recombinants.

Cross B gene w and m are not linked so the chances of crossing over increases and recombination frequency is high.

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