Flag Zoology> In an event of fast running, heart starts...
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In an event of fast running, heart starts beating faster leading to decrease in cardiac cycle timings. This occurs due to: 1. Proportional decrease in cardiac diastole and systole duration. 2. Less Duration of diastole and same duration of systole. 3. Same duration of diastole and less duration of systole. 4. Much more decrease in duration of diastole than that of systole.

Manik , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 3 Answers
Aabid Hussain

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Hi Manik,

I think that decrease in cardiac cycle timing is due to:
Much more decrese in duration of diastole than that of systole.

Hope the answer of the question .

jyoti bhatia

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Cardiac cycle time during normal heartbeat is 0.8 second, which includes both systole and diastole. In an event of fast running, heart starts beating faster leading to decrease in cardiac cycle timings. This occurs due to much more decrease in duration of diastole than that of systole.


Last Activity: 8 Years ago

helllo,I think that decrease in cardiac cycle timing is due to:Much more decrese in duration of diastole than that of systole.

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