
if we can take insulin from pig why cant we take pancreas of pig to replace into human

if we can take insulin from pig why cant we take pancreas of pig to replace into human

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
5 years ago
Pig Pancreas will create major immune reaction in the host body. The host body will not be able to accept it as its own.Theinsulin from pigs is purified which reduces the chance of the insulin user developing a reaction to the insulin. There are still chances of immune reaction against it.
But now we have recombinant insulin which is expressed in E.coli and then extracted.
Mahima Kanawat
1010 Points
5 years ago
Dear student 
Our immune system can differentiate between self and non self. 
If immune system finds anything foreign it destroys it. 
If human pancreas is replaced by pancreas of pig the T cells of humoral immunity destroy the pancreas and initiate immune reactions. 
Human insulin prepared in other organisms has the same structure and function as of human insulin due to universality of genetic codes.

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