Flag Zoology> if a homozygous red flowerd plant id cros...
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if a homozygous red flowerd plant id crossed with homozygous white flowered plant the offsprings will be half white flowerd half red flowered all white flowered all red flowered

raghav , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Apoorva Arora

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

If a homozygous red flowered plant id crossed with homozygous white flowered plant the off springs will be all red as red is dominant colour.
RR forms only one type of gamete R and rr forms only one type of gamete r. So when they fuse, they form Rr. since R is dominant, it is expressed.
Thanks and Regards
Apoorva Arora
IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty

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