Flag Zoology> Human foetus growing in the mother`s uter...
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Human foetus growing in the mother`s uterus draws all the nutrients from the mother can it be considered as parasite.

Arundhati roy , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

By the help of definition of parasites we can say that foetus acts like a parasite. As we know that parasites & host both are of different species and they can`t share genetic material but in case of foetus , mother and foetus both are of same species and they share their genetic material . In case of foetus there is no specialised organ for transfer of food material, but in case of foetus and mother there is special organ called placenta is present for exchange of food material. So we can say that the relationship between foetus &mother is similar to the relationship between host & parasite but foetus is not a parasite itself it differs from the parasites.

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