
Howmany DNA does a chromosome contain un eukaryotes ?? And is there chromosome or DNA present in prokaryotes ??

Howmany DNA does a chromosome contain un eukaryotes ?? And is there chromosome or DNA present in prokaryotes ?? 

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Although prokaryotic organisms do not possess a membrane bound nucleus like the eukaryotes, they do contain a nucleoid region in which the main chromosome is found. Extrachromosomal DNA exists in prokaryotes outside the nucleoid region as circular or linear plasmids.
Apurva Sharma
220 Points
5 years ago
Actually chromosomes are made up of single long strand of DNA wound around Histone proteins, in a specific shape.
However, CHROMATIDS(a pair of identical chromosomes) contain two strands of DNA.
prokaryotes also pack their DNA in the form of chromosomes. They lack histone protein and nuclear envelope thus their DNA is a single strand and coiled in circular shape, that is called NUCLEOID.
Hope this helped. Then do give a thumbsup! 😊👍

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