
Do nodes of ranvier contain neurilemma and why their conducting impulse speed is high

Do nodes of ranvier contain neurilemma and why their conducting impulse speed is high

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Aabid Hussain
askIITians Faculty 576 Points
7 years ago
Hi Biswajit,

Thank you for asking!

That’s a logical question!
Nodes of Ranvier is simply a periodic gap along the myelin sheath. And Neurolemma or Neurilemma is the cytoplasmic sheath of Schwan cells that is present over the myelinated axon contineously along with the nodes of Ranvier.

Coming to your second question.
The conduction of impulse in the myelinated axon is high. That’s right!

The reason behind that is the presence of nodes of Ranvier. This is special kind of conduction which occurs only along the region of nodes of Ranvier, called as Saltatory conduction.The charge ions jumps along the nodes to create action potential (jumping or hooping conduction),

Please find the attached image for pictorial representation521-609_Saltatory conduction.jpg

Hope the answer of the question!
Biswajit dash
22 Points
7 years ago
So we can say that in case of nodes of ranvier the conduction of impulse is higher than mylinated part I think

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