
Can amniocentesis: detect biochemical abnormalities in foetus? detect errors inmetabolism in foetus? detect chromosomal abnormalities (genetic abnormalities) in the foetus? determine any disease in the heart of the foetus? determine any hereditary disease in the embryo? Diagnose disease in the brain of the foetus? Answer with a yes/ no for the above questions.

Can amniocentesis:
  1. detect biochemical abnormalities in foetus?
  2. detect errors inmetabolism in foetus?
  3. detect chromosomal abnormalities (genetic abnormalities) in the foetus?
  4. determine any disease in the heart of the foetus?
  5. determine any hereditary disease in the embryo?
  6. Diagnose disease in the brain of the foetus?
Answer with a yes/ no for the above questions.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Early in pregnancy, amniocentesis is used for diagnosis of chromosomal and other fetal problems such as: Down syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21. Trisomy 13. ... Rare, inherited metabolic disorders

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