
Animals that rely on the heat from the environment, rather than that of metabolism, to raise their body temperature are, in the strict sense, called: Ectothermic Poikilothermic Homothermic Endothermic Do explain all the terms in the options and justify your answer.

Animals that rely on the heat from the environment, rather than that of metabolism, to raise their body temperature are, in the strict sense, called:
  1. Ectothermic
  2. Poikilothermic
  3. Homothermic
  4. Endothermic
Do explain all the terms in the options and justify your answer.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
Ectotherm, any so-called cold-blooded animal—that is, any animal whose regulation of body temperature depends on external sources, such as sunlight or a heated rock surface.
Poikilothermic is an animal whose internal temperature varies considerably. It is the opposite of a homeotherm, an animal which maintains thermal homeostasis. While the term in principle can apply to all organisms, it is generally only applied to animals, and mostly to vertebrates.
Homeothermic, homoiothermic. warm-blooded - having warm blood (in animals whose body temperature is internally regulated)
Endothermic  dependent on or capable of the internal generation of heat.
A is correct one.

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