Flag Zoology> An ideal parasite is able to thrive in th...
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An ideal parasite is able to thrive in the host without harming it then why did not natural selection lead to the evolution of such totally harmless parasites.

Arundhati roy , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 3 Answers
Bijay Kumar sahoo

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

No species is completely wipped out from nature. Evolution is a stochastic process based on chance events in nature.


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

By definition parasites need their hosts for various activities like for food,for shelter , for completing their life cycle etc. Natural selection did not lead to such evolution because if the parasite become harmless then they show commensalism not parasitism. Parasites does not survive after being harmless. By the help of natural selection they evolve themselves to find other ways to infect host cells . They cannot be totally harmless by evolution or by natural selection.


Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Parasites could evolve themselves to find a new way to infect host cells but cannot evoleve to be harmless because if they loose their mechanism of spreading they could not survive

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