
What will be the angle of deviation for angle of incidence 35 degree, 40 degree, 45 degree, 50 degree, 55 degree, and 60 degree respectively for the primary colours i.e red, blue, yellow and a compound colour green,in a prism?

What will be the angle of deviation for angle of incidence 35 degree, 40 degree, 45 degree, 50 degree, 55 degree, and 60 degree respectively for the primary colours i.e red, blue, yellow and a compound colour green,in a prism?


1 Answers

Apoorva Arora IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
10 years ago
You need to provide the angle of the prism So that the angle of deviation could be found out. Also, the refractive index of the prism is an important parameter required to solve the problem. Otherwise, simply the refractive index of glass can be used. Please recheck the question and post it again providing the important parameters.

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