
What is meant by polarization of light ?

What is meant by polarization of light ?

Grade:Upto college level

2 Answers

Apoorva Arora IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
10 years ago
Polarization(alsopolarisation) is a property ofwavesthat canoscillatewith more than one orientation.Electromagnetic waves, such as light, andgravitational wavesexhibit polarization, this does not happen withsound wavesin a gas or liquid, in which it can have only one possible polarization - the direction in which the wave is travelling.
Gavvala Ganesh
551 Points
9 years ago
Polarization(alsopolarisation) is a property ofwavesthat canoscillatewith more than one orientation.Electromagnetic waves, such as light, andgravitational wavesexhibit polarization, this does not happen withsound wavesin a gas or liquid, in which it can have only one possible polarization - the direction in which the wave is travelling.

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