
What is homodyne and heterodyne interferometers principals in measurement of distance. 1. pricipal of measurement? 1:28 pm 2. what parameter it counts to measure length. and whats the function of beat frequency in both ?

What is homodyne and heterodyne interferometers principals in measurement of distance.

1. pricipal of measurement?

1:28 pm2. what parameter it counts to measure length. and whats the function of beat frequency in both ?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
In homodyne identification, the obstruction happens between two pillars at a similar wavelength (or bearer recurrence). The stage contrast between the two shafts brings about an adjustment in the force of the light on the finder. The subsequent power of the light in the wake of blending of these two pillars is measured, or the example of impedance edges is seen or recorded. 

The heterodyne strategy is utilized for (1) moving an info motion into another recurrence extend and additionally (2) increasing a powerless information flag (expecting utilization of a dynamic blender). A feeble info flag of recurrence f1 is blended with a solid reference recurrence f2 from a neighborhood oscillator (LO). The nonlinear mix of the information signals makes two new flags, one at the whole f1 + f2 of the two frequencies, and the other at the distinction f1 − f2.

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