
Monochromatic green light , wavelength =554nm, illustrates two parallel, narrow slits 7.7micrometer apart. Calculate the angular position of the third- order (m=3) bright fringe (a)in radians and (b)in degrees.

Monochromatic green light , wavelength =554nm, illustrates two parallel, narrow slits 7.7micrometer apart. Calculate the angular position of the third- order (m=3) bright fringe (a)in radians and (b)in degrees.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
d = 7.7 x 10 -6 m, m=3,   λ= 554 nm = 554 x10-9 m
θ = ?  in radians and  in degrees.
Use:  for the bright fringe:  d sinθ = mλ   (put m=3):
(a)θ=0.216 radians
(b) θ =12.5 degrees

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