Can balance force change the shape of objectand how? And can unbalance force can change the shape of object and how?
Rohan Singh , 5 Years ago
Grade 11
2 Answers
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
Yes, it can change it's shape because body changes it's shape because of stress on it which depends upon pressure and pressure is a scalar quantity, so it adds up to stress irrespective of the direction of force.
In case of net force zero, pressure on the body will add up to apply more stress which will change it's shape.
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
unbalanced force can change the shape of an object .
⇒ take an example of a sponge ball , when you apply the force , that is when you press the ball which is an unbalanced force you change the shape of the ball from a spherical shape to a distorted shape . therefore the unbalanced force applied changes the shape .
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