A simple microscope has a magnifying power of 3.0 when the image is formed at the near point (25 cm) of a normal eye. (a) What is its focal length? (b) What will be its magnifying power if the image is formed at infinity?
Amit Saxena , 10 Years ago
Grade upto college level
1 Answers
Navjyot Kalra
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Sol. The simple microscope has, m = 3, when image is formed at D = 25 cm
a) m = 1 + D/f ⇒ 3 = 1 + 25/f
⇒ f = 25/1 = 12.5 cm
b) When the image is formed at infinity (normal adjustment)
Magnifying power = D/f = 25/12.5 = 2.0
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