
A parallel beam of blue light 420 nm is incident on a small aperture.After passing through the aperture the beam is no longer parallel but diverges at 1 degree of incident direction.What is diameter of aperture? a)30 micr m b)15 c)24 d)34

A parallel beam of blue light 420 nm is incident on a small aperture.After passing through the aperture the beam is no longer parallel but diverges at 1 degree of incident direction.What is diameter of aperture? a)30 micr m b)15 c)24 d)34


1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Dear student,
w =.lamda/sim@
 = 420 * 10^-9 / sin(pi/180)
= 24 micro m
Arun (askIITiansn forum expert)

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