
a black spot is situated at the body center of a transparent glass ( n=1.5 ) cube of edge 0.1m,placed on a table.what minimum fraction of the cube must be covered in order that the spot becomes invisible ?

a black spot is situated at the body center of a transparent glass
( n=1.5 ) cube of edge 0.1m,placed on a table.what minimum fraction of the cube must be covered in order that the spot becomes invisible ?


1 Answers

Aziz Alam IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 232 Points
10 years ago
Have a look into the image, which shows the area that needs to cover
sin i=n
from this we get the radius of the area to be covered.
the radius=3.75 cm

the area required is 6*area of this circle.=264.9375 cm2

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