
A Parallel Beam Of Light is on a concave mirror at height R/2 from axis as shown in fig. Here,R is Radius of curvature of mirror.After reflection it cuts the axis at A. The distance OA is FIGURE a concave mirror silvered on one side with O as optic centre R is the radius of curvature a light ray falls perpendicular on the mirror the reflected ray intersects R at a point A the height of incident ray from the axis is R/2

A Parallel Beam Of Light is on a concave mirror at height R/2 from axis as shown in fig. Here,R is Radius of curvature of mirror.After reflection it cuts the axis at A. The distance OA is


                                                    a concave mirror silvered on one side with O as optic centre R is the radius of curvature a light ray falls perpendicular on the mirror the reflected ray intersects R at a point A the height of incident ray from the axis  is R/2


1 Answers

askiitian expert akshay singh
8 Points
15 years ago


     since the parallel beam of light falls perpendicular on the mirror it means that the incident ray passes through R.......therefore it will retrace its path and cut the axis at distance OA is R.

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