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what happens when a polychromatic light incident on a prism at 90degree ? does it split? and how?

sachin nowal , 14 Years ago
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear student,

Splitting of light takes place when polychromatic light is incident on prism...

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B.Tech, IIT Delhi

Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

dear sachin,

When a polychromatic light (multi coloured or light containing more than one wavelength) like white light is incident on the first surface of the prism it gets refracted. But each constituent of the white light gets refracted  through a different angle, i.e., white light gets dispersed. When these colours are incident on the second surface of the prism they again undergo refraction (they get refracted from a denser to rarer medium) and the colours are separated further. Thus a beam of white light incident on a prism splits into its constituent colours to form a spectrum

thus when the light is incident at an angle of 90 degrees then it will go undeviated at first surface but refraction will take place at other surface...

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