
Critical angle of glass is θ 1 and the critical angle of water is θ 2 . Calculate the critical angle for water and glass surface. ( μ g = 3/2, μ w = 4/3)

Critical angle of glass is  θ1 and the critical angle of water is θ2. Calculate the critical angle for water and glass surface. (μg = 3/2, μw = 4/3)


2 Answers

Prudhvi teja
83 Points
14 years ago

Dear kaushik

The critical angle is the angle of incidence above which total internal reflection occurs. The angle of incidence is measured with respect to the normal at the refractive boundary. The critical angle θc is given by:

\theta_c = \arcsin \left( \frac{n_2}{n_1} \right),
critical angle = arcsin(4/3 / 3/2) = 62.73 degres

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arjun murali
18 Points
12 years ago

can the answer be explained in any other proper way........cause i am not satisfied with that solution :(

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