
Will the dopler effect be observed when the listener is exact at the center or origin of circle and source of sound waves is moving along circumference??????

Will the dopler effect be observed when the listener is exact at the center or origin of circle and source of sound waves is moving along circumference??????

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago

Doppler's effect is observed when the source of sound moves relative to the observer. In a circle, the center (observer, here) is always equidistant from any point (hence, the source). So, the sound waves are not compressed or stretched (due to which the observed frequency changes) when the source moves towards or away respectively from the observer in this case, as generally observed.

Though, if you are the observer, both of your ears can not lie at the center, and so ever so slight Doppler's effect would be observed individually by both the ears..depending upon the diameter of the circle.

Put a microphone exactly at the center, and it won't measure any frequency change.

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