Flag Wave Motion> When although particle moves in y-axis in...
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When although particle moves in y-axis in a string then how wave moves in x-axis direction ?

Swapnarekha , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

we consider the simple case of a transverse wave travelling in one-dimension (along the x-axis), e.g. a bump travelling along a rope. Such a wave causes the medium particles to move up-and-down along the y-axis. The motion of one of the medium particles can be described by the function y(t) that gives its y-coordinate at time t. We can therefore fully characterize the wave if we know all the different y(t)'s for each medium particle. Since the individual particles do not move away but perform an oscillatory motion around their equilibrium positions corresponding to y=0 (e.g. straight undeformed rope), they can be labelled by their distance x from the origin (e.g the end of the undeformed rope) at equilibrium. We can therefore label the y(t)'s for different medium particles by x and describe the motion of the medium particle located at the equilibrium position (x,0) by its displacement y(x,t) (i.e. its y-coordinate as a function of time). We call this the wavefunction.

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