Flag Wave Motion> What are Beats? Show that beat frequency ...
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What are Beats? Show that beat frequency is equal to the difference between frequencies of interfering sound waves.

Ram sawnat , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago


When two waves of nearly equal frequencies travelling in a medium along the same direction superimpose upon each other, beats are produced. The amptitude of the resultant sound at a point rises and falls regularly.

The intensity of the resultant sound at a point rises and falls regularly with time. When the intensity rises to maximum we call it as waxing of sound, when it falls to minimum we call it as waning of sound.

The phenomenon of waxing and waning of sound due to interference of two sound waves of nearly equal frequencies are called beats. The number of beats produced per second is called beat frequency, which is equal to the difference in frequencies of two waves.

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