The engine of a train approaching a station whistles at a frequency of 440 Hz. A stationary observer on the platform notices a change of 40 Hz in the frequency as the engine passes him. If the velocity of sound is 330 m/s, the speed of the train is
Varun Manhas , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
We have one formula...
n' = n(V-Vobs)÷(V-Vsource)
Here, V?obs = 0 (since observer is at rest..)
V?source = vel. Of train.....= ?
n'=40 hz (given)
V=velocity of sound...=330 m/s (given)
n=original frquency =440 hz (given)
Now substitue the values to get V?source ....
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