Flag Wave Motion> Q.). When monochromatic light is incident...
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Q.). When monochromatic light is incident on a surface separating two media.,then both reflected and refracted light have the same frequency as the incident frequency?

harsh vardhan , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

When light falls on a surface, then the electron density(i.e, electrons) of the surface tends to oscillate, as they are oscillating due to an external agency(which is light), so this kind of oscillation is called FORCED OSCILLATION(class 11th), now they oscillate with the frequency they took up, i.e., with the frequency of incident light. As we have studied(chapter 8, EM waves), an oscillating charged particle is a source of EM wave. Hence, these charged oscillators scatter the light with the frequency they are having i.e., the frequency of incident light. Hence, whether reflection(scattered light goes in the same medium) takes place or refraction(scattered light goes in the second medium), in both the cases, the frequency of light will not change.

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