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how does electromagnetic waves from sun move in space outside earth

sahil sharma , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 3 Answers
sahil sharma

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

hello bye khqwe jhwqr wjke jhfgbg kjd jhrcg ckjrhg gcvegrb crjejcbrh htkhcr nhvjcrg th kugc bhhcer kj nre geremhbcehc c

Shubhang Arora

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

hello bye khqwe jhwqr wjke jhfgbg kjd jhrcg ckjrhg gcvegrb crjejcbrh htkhcr nhvjcrg th kugc bhhcer kj nre geremh iasf anf ;ewifn ;EWJNG W

Shubhang Arora

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

When you tune your radio, watch TV, send a text message, or pop popcorn in a microwave oven, you are using electromagnetic energy. You depend on this energy every hour of every day. Without it, the world you know could not exist.

Electromagnetic energy travels in waves and spans a broad spectrum from very long radio waves to very short gamma rays. The human eye can only detect only a small portion of this spectrum called visible light. A radio detects a different portion of the spectrum, and an x-ray machine uses yet another portion. NASA's scientific instruments use the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum to study the Earth, the solar system, and the universe beyond.

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