
Buildings of different heights sustain different amounts of damage in an earthquake. Explain why.

Buildings of different heights sustain different amounts of damage in an earthquake. Explain why.

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Jitender Pal
askIITians Faculty 365 Points
9 years ago
Resonance is the phenomenon of setting a body into vibrations by a strong periodic force whose frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the body. All mechanical structures, such as buildings, bridges, and air planes have one or more natural frequencies of oscillation. In the time of earth quake the natural frequency of oscillation in the building will coincides with the frequency of the oscillation of earth quake that results large amplitude of oscillation. Since in resonance the body absorbs maximum energy from the impressed source, so the amplitude of vibrations is very large that can have disastrous consequences. That is why buildings of different heights sustain different amounts of damage in an earthquake

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