
A particle is subjected to two mutually perpendicular S.H.M. Such that its x&y coordinates are given by x=2sin(wt )& y= 2 sin(wt+45) where w = omega. The path of the particle will be...... a. An ellipse b. A straight line c. Parabola d. Circle

A particle is subjected to two mutually perpendicular S.H.M. Such that its x&y coordinates are given by x=2sin(wt )& y= 2 sin(wt+45)
where w = omega. The path of the particle will be......
a. An ellipse
b. A straight line
c. Parabola
d. Circle


1 Answers

3007 Points
6 years ago
from above equations if you solve by applying trignometric formula you will get
x2 + y2 = 4.
which is a circle.
Hope it clears.

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