
1. A policeman on duty detects a drop of 15% in the pitch of the horn of a car as it crosses him. Caalculate the speed of the car, if the velocity of sound is 330 m/s. 2. Calculate the temperature at which the speed of sound will be 2 times its value at 0 degree celsius.

1. A policeman on duty detects a drop of 15% in the pitch of the horn of a car as it crosses him. Caalculate the speed of the car, if the velocity of sound is 330 m/s. 

2. Calculate the temperature at which the speed of sound will be 2 times its value at 0 degree celsius.

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

vikas askiitian expert
509 Points
14 years ago

frequency heard by the policemen is 100-15=85% of total

 let n be the freuency of sound emmited by car horn

 we can use ,N=nV/V-v

 here N is appherent frequency ,V velocity of sound ,v velocity of car and n frequency of horn

 v= 58.2m/s

 speed of sound is directly proportional to underoot T





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