
sir please give me the key points of the chapter 'wave motion and sound waves",,which are enough to solve problems that come in AIEEE....please reply soon

sir please give me the key points of the chapter 'wave motion and sound waves",,which are enough to solve problems that come in AIEEE....please reply soon


2 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear Tapasranjan Das

wave motion and sound wave these are simple chapters as compair to the others.but these are very important chapter,you can 100% score in these chapter.

if you want to get good grip on these topic then first  you should refer H C VERMA and Resnick & Halliday for the theory part .and see the solved example of  wave motion and sound wave chapter and then try to solve excersice problem.After that you should see the previous years IIT JEE problem based upon this topic..Try to solve as much problem as you can on this topic.

there is no such key point which make you able to solve problem on this topic,you have to study te whole chapter.

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Tapasranjan Das
19 Points
14 years ago

thanx for ur i tried it earlier it didn't work for me....newayz i wil try to do it again...thanx once again...

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