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if we travel at the speed of light by catching a mirror in our hand canwe see our image in the mirror(since we and light travel at samevelocity)?????? PLZZ ANSWER

pullela venkata vihari , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers
Mujahid Ahmed

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

The question that puzzled Einstein for years..

Anyways, There is no meaning to the scenario. You can''t reach the speed of light. Even if you could, you''ll turn into energ so there is no meaning of holding a mirorr.  However, as you approach the speed of light, Strange things start happening. Doppler''s effect, Time dilation etc.


Approve if i helped :)

Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Pullela,

According to Einsteins principle...It is possible to go with the speed less than that of ligh and with a speed more than the speed of light but it is not possible to go with the speed of light..

Hence impractical situation..

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Aman Bansal

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himanshu yadav

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

image also seen by light speed

Srikanth Neeli

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

if we travel at he speed of light we can see our image on the mirror but it is very difficult because so many factors effect.if we take reference frame when travel with the speed of light ,speed of light with respect to our velocity is constant it always moves with its speed thats why we can see our image in the mirron travelling with light speed.

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