
often circuits produce complex waveforms; show how these can be made up of different sinusodical signals. give typical examples of these waveforms.

often circuits produce complex waveforms; show how these can be made up of different sinusodical signals. give typical examples of these waveforms.


1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago


Dear student,

Complex sound waves can still have a periodicity, T (the time for a complete cycle; the sound wave then being many repeating cycles), and hence have a dominant frequency, f = 1 / T, that we perceive as the pitch of the sound. Since the pitch of a tone is primarily determined from its frequency, and hence the time it takes for the wave to complete one cycle, pure tones and complex tones with the same period have roughly the same pitch. Below are shown three different complex waveforms that all have the same period and amplitude of the pure-tone waveform shown above.

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