Guest des density of moist air less than density of dry air? intensity of sound wave a scalar field or vector field? and explain physical meaning and significance of intensity of sound wave. 3.when does compresion pulse reflect as compression pulse and a rarefraction pulse reflect as rarefraction pulse ? and when not? des density of moist air less than density of dry air? intensity of sound wave a scalar field or vector field? and explain physical meaning and significance of intensity of sound wave.

3.when does compresion pulse reflect as compression pulse and a rarefraction pulse reflect as rarefraction pulse ? and when not?


1 Answers

Mukesh Sharma
askIITians Faculty 43 Points
10 years ago
Ans1 - we know density is defined as a mass divided by volume. now in case of moist air water molecules contains oxygen and hydrogen which are lighter in mass as compared to dry air which contains diatomic oxygen and diatomic nitrogen which is heavier in mass hence due to low mass in moist air it is less dense whereas dry air is dense than moist air.
2- intensity of sound wave is vector field and given by I=pv and the significance of intensity of sound wave is the direction of intensity describes the direction of energy imparted to the particles of medium.
3-when pulse is reflected from rigid surface then compresion pulse reflect as compression pulse and a rarefraction pulse reflect as rare fraction pulse and when pulse is reflected from yielding surface.then compresion pulse not reflect as compression pulse and a rarefraction pulse not reflect as rarefraction pulse

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