Flag Vectors> Hello, Can somebody please answer the fol...
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Hello,Can somebody please answer the following questions refering to the images?ai Copy the field lines from Figure2. On your copy, draw arrows on the lines of force to show the direction of the field.ii What evidence does the diagram give that the field is strongest near the tip of the inner electrode?b The gap between the inner and outer electrodes is 1.25 mm and a field strength of 5.0×106 N C−1 is required for electrical breakdown. Estimate the minimum potential difference that must be applied across the inner and outer electrodes for a spark to be produced. (You may treat the two electrodes as a pair of parallel plates.)c When an electron is accelerated through a potential drop of approximately 20V it will have sufficient energy to ionise a nitrogen atom. Show that an electron must move 4.0 μm to gain this energy.

Shams Ishtiaque Rahman , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
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Last Activity: 4 Years ago

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Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student 
Please ask single question in a thread , 
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