Flag Vectors> A striker strikes two black carrom men (o...
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A striker strikes two black carrom men (one behind the other) at the centre which then go into the hole placed on the left of them, i.e left of the striker and the two carrom men. What is the total displacement and the magnitude of the displacement from the striker to the carrom men and carrom men to the hole?

Timmy Agrawal , 8 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear student

In the description provided “ What are the total displacement and the magnitude of the displacement from the striker to the carrom men and carrom men to the hole”

you have provided two locations “from and to” but for whom do you wish to calculate is kind of skipped kindly explain with greater depth of elaboration anduse numbers if given

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