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how should i prepare i find difficulty in solving the sums

Sampoorna das Mazumdar , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 3 Answers
Kapish Maurya

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

DO NOT GET DEMORALISE..try harder take atleast an hour for finding out the answer ...just find out why the concepts used in the answer is not coming to your mind so that conept is weak....just build your concepts strong by practising easy problems first shift your levels according to your confidence in that topic..

Prakhar Agarwal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Take any course book and solve 2 example of every concept with out any help of the book and after it you see the answer and find which types of problem trouble you,solve at least 10 question on that concept.this is only the way.


Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear sampoorna,


Take any course book and solve 2 example of every concept with out any help of the book and after it you see the answer and find which types of problem trouble you,solve at least 10 question on that concept.this is only the way.

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