
There are 2 triangle on the same base BC, one is triangle ABE and another triangle DEC, with angle AEB=60 and angle DEC=theta. In triangle DEC [tan theta- tan(90- theta)=0], also AE=100m, DC=80m find BC?

There are 2 triangle on the same base BC, one is triangle ABE and another triangle DEC, with angle AEB=60 and angle DEC=theta. In triangle DEC [tan theta- tan(90- theta)=0], also AE=100m, DC=80m find BC? 


1 Answers

Harsh Patodia IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 907 Points
9 years ago
Please check question again as triangle with base BC cannot be ABE and same goes for other triangle. Please check and post again.

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