
For all x in [ 0 , 90 ] show that cos ( s i n ( x ) ) > s i n ( c o s ( x ) ) I understood the solution given in my book which said cos ( x ) + sin ( x ) ≤ 2 √ 90 cos ( x ) 90 − sin ( x ) But if sin ( x ) 90 − cos ( x ) , then when we take sin and cos of both sides respectively, we get two different opposite answers. Please explain to me where I have gone wrong.

For all x in [0,90] show that cos(sin(x))>sin(cos(x))

I understood the solution given in my book which said 

But if sin(x)90cos(x), then when we take sin and cos of both sides respectively, we get two different opposite answers. Please explain to me where I have gone wrong.



1 Answers

Jitender Singh IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 158 Points
10 years ago
Hello Student,
Please find answer to your question below

I am assuming 90 to be pi/2.
x\in [0,\frac{\pi }{2}]
0\leq sinx\leq 1
0\leq cosx\leq 1
f_{1}(x) = cos(sinx)
sinx will take value from 0 to 1 in increasing order.
cos(sin1)\leq f_{1}(x)\leq 1

f_{2}(x) = sin(cosx)
cosx will take value from 1 to 0.
0\leq f_{2}(x) \leq sin(cos1)
It is more clear from the graph that

cos(sinx) > sin(cosx)
in [0, pi/2]

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