Sir, I have secured 318 marks in BITSAT. I would get the 5 year B.E./M.Sc. integrated course at Pilani campus or else 4 year course at Goa campus. Which one should I opt for? I want to pursue either CSE/ECE .One thing I want to say is that in the 5 year course I would be alloted my B.E. stream on the basis of my first year CGPA. For CSE/ECE i need around 8.5 . But this creates a sense of doubt in mind cause if by any reason i could not get that much then i have to take some other stream.
Amrit Kochar , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
1 Answers
Arun Kumar
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Hello Student,
With that much marks you can get ECE at goa campus.