Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> Sir, amongst NIT Jamshedpur, Nit Patna, N...
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Sir, amongst NIT Jamshedpur, Nit Patna, NIT Nagpur, college of engineering Pune, BIT mesra, nit Hamirpur which is the best choice? Also out of these what should be the order of my preference? Also mention if I can get any other good nit with 120 in mains and 94.8% in cbse boards with general cat and home state Maharashtra. Can I get any branch in top nit?

Pranjal K , 10 Years ago
Grade upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Sher Mohammad

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

NIT hamirpur> BIT mesra> NIT nagpur> NIT jamshedpur> NIT patna, is good prefrence order to follow, with homestate quota you have chances of getting some NIT.
sher mohammad
faculty askiitians
b.tech , iit delih

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