On basis of placements, what are best options for me ?1. mech at DTU2. non core branches like chem, biotech etc at IIT D3. mech or civil at IT BHU?4. civil at IIT rorkee?5. non core branches at IIT Kanpur6. cs or mech at IIT heyderabad7. civil or other non core branches at IIT kharagpur?8. mech at IIT guwahatiBy the way I am from delhi and I would love to be in delhi if placements options are good. But I can compromise if I would be getting much better placements in other colleges. Plz help me in this.
Kunal , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Sher Mohammad
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Chemical IIT Delhi has good placement records , you can go for chem iitd. Cs at IIT hyderabad is also a good option.