Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> Hi, my sc rank is 7000+ in jee mains qith...
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Hi, my sc rank is 7000+ in jee mains qith a score of 62 but i didn't clear jee advNced's cutoff. What college is good for me anywhere in india.

Ritesh Kumar , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Deepak Kumar Shringi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

i would highly recommand you to take a drop because if you take a drop it will be better for you to get a good college maybe you will get IIT next year. Because there is no benefit in doing engg. from a private college nowadays


Last Activity: 6 Years ago

B Tech is one of the most popular courses, always in demand in India. Students prefer this course with an idea of securing a well paid job after the completion of their professional degree course. So you can select any branch of engineering depending upon your interest among CSE, Mechanical, Electronics, Civil, Aerospace, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Information Technology, Chemical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering or any other.
The stream has its own career opportunities and perspectives and offers ample of career opportunities. It has job offerings in different sectors of the industries. So according to your choice and interest you can choose. 
So it will be advisable if you do your degree from a well known university and that provides prime placement opportunity, outstanding industrial exposure and professional enhancement training.
I can enlist some universities for your help -
  • Lovely Professional University,
  • Manav Rachna University,
  • Sharda University etc.
which offers excellent learning atmosphere to its students.
I hope it helps.

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