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Does getting the minimum cutoff marks in Bitsat guarantees me admission to the branch i want...???

Bhanu , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Rinkoo Gupta

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Cut-off BITSAT scores

The cut-off BITSAT scores for admissions to I Semester 2013-14 to different programmes are given below. This is given here for information on the request of many candidates. Candidates should note that the cut-off scores vary from year to year

Degree programme at Pilani CampusCut-off BITSAT-2013 score
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical309
B.E.(Hons.): Civil308
B.E.(Hons.): Electrical & Electronics343
B.E.(Hons.): Mechanical337
B.E.(Hons.): Manufacturing300
B.E.(Hons.): Computer Science354
B.E.(Hons.): Electronics & Instrumentation332
M.Sc.(Hons.): Biological Sciences284
M.Sc.(Hons.): Chemistry295
M.Sc.(Hons.): Economics308
M.Sc.(Hons.): Mathematics304
M.Sc.(Hons.): Physics
Degree programme at Goa CampusCut-off BITSAT-2013 score
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical279
B.E.(Hons.): Electrical and Electronics305
B.E.(Hons.): Mechanical300
B.E.(Hons.): Computer Science323
B.E.(Hons.): Electronics & Instrumentation291
M.Sc.(Hons.): Biological Sciences268
M.Sc.(Hons.): Chemistry273
M.Sc.(Hons.): Economics282
M.Sc.(Hons.): Mathematics279
M.Sc.(Hons.): Physics279
Degree programme at Hyderabad CampusCut-off BITSAT-2013 score
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical280
B.E.(Hons.): Civil290
B.E.(Hons.): Electrical and Electronics300
B.E.(Hons.): Mechanical299
B.E.(Hons.): Computer Science316
B.E.(Hons.): Electronics & Communication308
B.E.(Hons.): Electronics & Instrumentation295
B.E.(Hons.): Manufacturing277
M.Sc.(Hons.): Biological Sciences266
M.Sc.(Hons.): Chemistry272
M.Sc.(Hons.): Economics282
M.Sc.(Hons.): Mathematics276
M.Sc.(Hons.): Physics276
If you get minimum cutooff then you can get seat. all the best.
Thanks & Regards
Rinkoo Gupta
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