AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Dear student Mr. Vipul Sikka
IIT delhi is a good college and if you want to join top five branch like EC,CS,ME,EE,IT then you have to score within 5oo all india rank. CS will not be available after 200 rank. and if you want to join other than these branches, admission is also possible at lower rank. These things depends on your preference of branches.
Yes this is true that you have clear all the subject in IIT and AIEEE , but the cut of the subjects are not too high. this is just to filter the students which are very poor in any subject. So if you are average or above average students , do not worry about subject cutoff.
NIT college is a national college and total seats are distributed accordingly state to sate population. you did not mention your state , so this is not possible to give any idea about your state seats.So post your state then only we can answer this question specifically.
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