
Can any give me details about the various courses in B.Tech offerred by UTM - Shillong?

Can any give me details about the various courses in B.Tech offerred by UTM - Shillong?


2 Answers

Rohan Malhotra
8 Points
10 years ago


UTM Shillong offers a multiple number courses in B.Tech. It has Petroleum Engineering, Civil Engineering with specialization in infrastructure development, Computer science engineering with specialisation in cloud computing, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Automotive Design Engineering, Computer Science with Specialisation in Business Analytics and Computer Science Engineering with specialisation in Oil and Gas Informatics. Hope this information helps.

Rohan Malhotra
8 Points
10 years ago

Thanks! Do you have any idea about the course details regarding the following you just mentioned. Preferably Computer Science Engineering with specialisation in cloud computing?

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